Three words of hope to help you handle self-isolation

Three words of hope to help you handle self-isolation by J John  for Christian Today

In my last blog I wrote about us suddenly finding ourselves travelling through the unknown and unpleasant land of ‘Covidia’. Now on the path before us lies self-isolation or quarantine; of choosing or being forced to stay at home for weeks.

There are, of course, exceptions to this. Many people – including many readers – will not have the option of staying at home but will be out on the frontline as doctors, nurses, health staff, police officers, pharmacists, supermarket workers and those in other vital roles. If this is you, can I, along with my readers, express our admiration and gratitude to you. We who are on the sidelines of this struggle, salute you and resolve to pray and support you through this time.

With self-isolation being what we face, how do we handle it? Let me share three words that I hope will help.

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The first word is resolution. It’s vital to take charge of the situation and not let the situation take charge of us; at the end of this we all want to be a victor, not a victim. In as much as we can, we should set ourselves targets and goals. Our grandparents were called to war, we are being called to sit on our settee – we can do this!

However, justified we may feel it is, don’t slip into becoming a wreck, don’t be negative or pessimistic, don’t moan. There are some people who bring happiness wherever they go and other people bring happiness whenever they go! Have a happy attitude and don’t drain people with negative talk. Resolve to be cheerful.

Keep up with personal hygiene, change your clothes, don’t sleep until midday! Find things to do, books to read (we have introduced a 50% discount on all my books; purchase some for yourselves and order copies for friends, family and colleagues and we can mail them directly – visit ourshop).

And do projects – I am writing blogs, recording sermons to be broadcast and writing a new book.

Let’s tidy and de-clutter. Remember how ‘we didn’t have time’? Now we do!

We should resolve to set limits on what we will drink, eat – no more than one chocolate bar a day is the goal I have set myself!  And do similar with what we view – avoid conspiracy websites and unhealthy TV and film series). Why not watch some of the 53 Facing the Canon interviews I have conducted. They will give you a faith-lift.

Try to get exercise, even if it’s simply walking up and down the stairs or the corridor.

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